Exercise is the process of exerting muscles and systems of the body tochange their physiological functions and processes. While this is part one, part two is how thebody adapts to the stimulus, and how well it continues to function after thephysical stress. To get the most out ofany work out, every person must know strategies to follow after the activity iscompleted to fully reach the desired effect of the exercise.
Without proper recovery time, the training a person has undergone willnot work effectively. As such, it’simportant for every person to know how to recover from a workout to maximizethe effort and stimulus they accomplished.
One of the key elements of recovery is post-workout nutrition. After exertion, the body needs to replenishthe muscles and organs with both carbohydrates and protein to repair tissuesand promote muscle development. Expertsrecommend a 4:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio of food be consumed within 30-45minutes after a workout to maximize recovery and promote physical development.
In addition to feeding the muscles, the body also requires them to bestretched and massaged. Soaking in a hottub or relaxing in a sauna after a workout can promote recovery, as can staticor dynamic flexibility exercises both before and after activity, and using foamrollers to treat soreness with massage and encourage improved tissueflexibility. If stretching or massagecannot be done right after activity, be sure it is incorporated at some pointin the day to maximize the effects of a workout regimen.
Finally, while all the above are essential pieces for recovery sleep isthe glue that holds the puzzle together. Sleep allows the body to rest, recover, and neuroendocrine systems toreset to promote healing and muscle growth. Adjust an exercise program to meet the needs of lifestyle changes toensure the body is receiving adequate rest, and soon the changes and stimulantsthe body is receiving will show up as the results everyone desires whenengaging in a fitness program.
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About Expert Brand
Expert Performance is a vertically integratedmanufacturer of Performance Apparel. We have been making products bothdomestically and overseas for more than twenty years. Expert has been a leadinginnovator in the design and development of smart fabric technology to createand manufacture fashionable, high quality, functional garments for the activelifestyle, athletic, and sportswear markets. Our line of basic and specialtyproducts cater to the needs of distributors, decorators, and retailers. We areproud to offer profitable opportunities to you, our partner.
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Adam Heimann
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