I recommend Jeff Galloway's run/walk/ run method. I started distance running 6 years ago at age 55 and have been able to complete 16 marathons using the run walk run method. Jeff has a formula for calculating your pace. Its called a "magic mile". You run a mile about as fast as you can without sprinting. (including walk breaks if you need them). Note your time. If for example you ran a 10 minute mile. To calculate your pace for a 10k, multiple your 1 mile pace by 1.1 so you would do an 11 minute mile for 10k. Multiply 1.2 for a half marathon so you would do a 12 minute mile and 1.3x 10= a 13 min/mile pace for a marathon.This pace of course depends on you doing the full training that you need to do for whatever distance you are running. I highly recommend that you check out Jeff Galloway on line and get one of his books. I love the run walk run method. I do not like to run continuously without stopping. I am built more like a sprinter so this method is particularly good for my body habitus. Also the walk breaks seem to minimize risk of injury as you increase your distance.