Gold Star Teen Adventures, a non-profit foundation that supports the families and teens of our fallen Special Operations heroes, is looking for individuals and teams interested in honoring a fallen service member. Hosting a fundraising event or participating in an established event for Operation 60 provides the opportunity to raise funds to send a Gold Star Teen or Family to a summer adventure and leadership experience. Your support will also raise awareness of the Fallen Heroes and their families in your community.
We appreciate your interest to raise funds for Gold Star Teen Adventures. It is with your help that we are able to support these families that have sacrificed so much. For consideration to host or coordinate an Operation 60 GSTA fundraising event, please fill out and submit the fundraising proposal located under the Operation 60 Proposal tab. This information helps us become familiar with your event and how we can assist you to reach your goals and also provides tips that will help ensure your idea is approved and your event is successful. We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest in organizing an event to support our mission.
To find out how you can become a member of the GSTA Team for Operation 60, go to
Thank you for your support!
Celia Wolff
Public Affairs and Fundraising Coordinator
Gold Star Teen Adventures